by schnewwpuser | Apr 22, 2013 | Uncategorized
We had a good night with the Schearer’s Sales & Service, LHS Engines, Victory Auto Glass, RFG Heaters, VRP, #62 micro sprint at Path Valley Speedway last night. Finished 2nd in the winged feature and 3rd in the wingless feature. Great driving Thomas! Thomas is...
by schnewwpuser | Apr 18, 2013 | Uncategorized
Sometimes car trouble can be heard in the form of strange or even funny noises, and many can go on long before you’re stuck on the side of the road. If your vehicle is making one of these noises, give us a call. We’ll fix it so you can stop embarrassing your kids when...
by schnewwpuser | Apr 18, 2013 | Uncategorized
Did you know your brake fluid should be serviced? Most people do not. Just like engine oil, your brake fluid wears needs service too. As brake fluid wears out, it attacks the rubber seals in your hydraulic brake components and slowly turns black. The long term effects...
by schnewwpuser | Apr 18, 2013 | Uncategorized
The end of April is coming quick! If your inspection expires in April (4/13), don’t forget about your PA Safety & Emission Inspection! Give us a call or send us a message and we’ll schedule you in. Thru the end of the month, we are able to perform inspections...