Volkswagen cars may not always look the sleekest or be characterized as the most modern car on the market, but they may be the most lovable. Between Herbie the Love Bug and Bumblebee the transforming robot, Volkswagen vehicles have a reputation for being caring and dependable. That makes problems with components like timing chains all the more frustrating. What do you do when your reliable vehicle stops being dependable?

What Is A Timing Chain?
The timing chain is the crucial link between the top and bottom of your engine. It connects the crankshaft and the camshaft together so that your transmission turns in harmony with your engine. Without that connection, you lose control of your wheels.

Most Volkswagen timing chains are made to last at least 120,000 miles. Unfortunately, there are multiple lawsuits for owners of the 2-liter EA888 engine because the timing chains in them seem to break much sooner. Additionally, there may be issues with Volkswagen vehicles made between 2008 and 2014. If you have a Volkswagen built between those years, you would be wise to have it checked before the manufacturer’s specified maintenance period.

Timing chains are more popular than timing belts because of the assumed longer lifespan. Chains will take more wear and tear than a belt. This normal wear and tear is not the usual reason for timing chain problems. The main reason for early timing chain failure is a problem with the timing chain tensioner, which is controlled by both springs and hydraulics.

How Can You Tell If Your Timing Chain Is Defective?
There are not a lot of warning signals that your timing chain is not working right. When it malfunctions, it causes the timing of the pistons and valves in your engine to get entirely out of sync. That is devastating to your engine.

If you are fortunate, your engine light will turn on. You may hear a rattle coming from the engine. If both of these things happen, you need to pull over immediately and get your car to an auto technician.

The next symptom your Volkswagen may show is that your engine may not start or it may shut down while you are driving. Again, if you did not notice the first signs and experience sudden engine shutdown, do not continue driving, but get it to a trusted auto service station immediately. This is imperative for your own safety, but also for the sake of your car engine. When the timing is off because of a failing timing chain, the engine pistons smash into the valves, and the entire engine can be damaged beyond repair. The minimal cost of replacing a timing chain and a tensioner is nothing compared to the cost of buying a whole new engine. It is the difference between trying to get a few extra miles and needing to buy a new car when you finally get there.

How Do You Fix A Defective Timing Chain?
Again, if you have a Volkswagen older than 2010, you have a high-risk vehicle for timing chain failure, so it is best to get it inspected early, rather than waiting for a sudden, catastrophic failure that may endanger you and those riding with you. Likewise, unless you have some training working with Volkswagen engines, the job of inspecting and fixing your timing chain and timing chain tensioner is best left to professionals. In fact, VW itself has been sending out technical service bulletins to all their dealerships about how to handle timing chain issues since 2010. If you think your Volkswagen may have a timing chain problem, get it to a Volkswagen expert immediately.

Volkswagen Tiguan

Come See The Volkswagen Experts
If you are a Volkswagen owner in Allentown, Bethlehem, and Macungie, PA stop by Schearer’s Sales and Service, Inc. We are state licensed for safety and emission inspection. Schearer’s service goal is to keep your car running safely and well. Full vehicle evaluations enable our technicians to find issues in your vehicle before they fail and leave you broke down on the side of the road. Additionally, we provide factory required maintenance that ensures that you do not lose eligibility on your warranties. If you are experiencing issues with your timing chain, contact Schearer’s Sales and Service, Inc. for an expert inspection with service you can trust.

* Volkswagen Tiguan image credit goes to: y_carfan.

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